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Your Way

(View album: Don't Wait)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  1035 views

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40% accurate

I'm trying to believe that you're holding me
When the feeling, the feeling is gone
I want to see your right when I'm wrong
I just want to be what you want for me this time

I'll follow you
Will you guide me
Take me where I'm never lonely
I'll follow you
Will you guide me
I want to live my life your way
Your way

I'm trying to receive what you've offered me
When the leading, the leading is gone
I want to see your light tear thru the blanket of night
I just want to be what you want for me all the time

Trust in you my father
You're the one I see
You're my air and water
You're everything I need
And I hear you inside of me

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