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What Have I Done

(View album: Don't Wait)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  1031 views

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40% accurate

What have I done lord Jesus to deserve this endless love
What have I done lord Jesus to be worthy of your grace
What have I done lord Jesus to standing here with you
What have I done lord Jesus to be worthy of you

For I am nothing yet love me
I am no one yet you care
You thought of me when you died
What have I done to deserve this love

And I lay down my will
To do yours until
My life I life I give hence forth to live for you alone

For I am nothing yet love me
I am no one yet you care
You thought of me when you died
What have I done to deserve this love

What have I done lord Jesus to deserve this endless love
What have I done lord Jesus to be worthy of your grace
What have I done lord Jesus to standing here with you
What have I done lord Jesus to be worthy of you

You made me worthy of you
You made me worthy of you

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