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Jeremy Thomas Hewitt (Jeremy Loops)'s picture


(View album: Critical As Water)

40% accurate

The sun keeps calling
And I've been chasing early
So give me the coffee in the morning
A kiss when she leaves me
To get my day started
So I breathe in life *sniff*
And get to another rhythm and I'm in the flow
Sitting in the backline, waiting for the perfect one

And the waves came, washed over me (x3)

Maybe I've been stallin'
Baby I just won't curve it
Just to keep it in your pocket
Kisses when she needs me
Loving and a locket

I want to be water
Skipping rocks in my soul again
Pebbles on Long Beach, slowly turning into sand

And the waves came, washed over me (x3)

And the waves they, wash over me
Cause the riptide pulls me out into the deep
It surrounds me, holds me, follows when I breath
But the air is clear and I am here.

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