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Your Daddy's been looking while Mammy stayed inside
And if you ever show up before the morning light
Everything that's said and done is not your point of view
You stayed the whole night through with your friend Jeany
Teenage Queenie
You may be good looking but you don't know how to be
Your wardrobe's always empty
And no one's ever seen you've been growing for some time
Had lovers quite a few
Now all you ever do is being dreamy
Teenage Queenie
Teenage Queenie
You're lost every night
And your Mammy's worried your Daddy's uptight
Teenage Queenie
You still got to grow
But if you wanna be free there's a long time to go
You like to hear the music, dance on the beat
Wherever it goes slowly, it's not your kind of speed
Your sister has been seeing you in some big shining car
He owned the bar a fellah called Rossini
Teenage Queenie
Teenage Queenie
You're lost every night
And your Mammy's worried your Daddy's uptight
Teenage Queenie
You still got to grow
But if you wanna be free there's a long time to go
There's a long time to go
There's a long time to go.
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