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Take Me Home

(View album: Africa Represented)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  984 views

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Another child loosing home
Broken dreams, broken bones
Another upon the road
You better go, better run
Dont thinking about it better run
Why staying died by the gun
Two months ago she left for the city
Free from the rapping and the killing
Mama is no where to be found
And daddy has been taken to prison
You know war is place to found a wickless
He fire but the school and the houses
She's been sleeping with man then for food
In the city but she crying

Take me home
I dont wanna be anymore
Take me home (home)
Take me back to the promise land
Somebody take me home
I dont wanna be anymore
Take me home
Take me back to the promisthe heat with the

Uncle joe left home that nigth
Nobody knew what is been going to
Said he is going to the other side
Going for a better life
We all knew he got no money for flied
But if he doesnt leave we are gonna died
Coz things hot for the simple man, not you
And if you they gonna shot down you, not you
So he took the road down true the desert
True the heat and the sun

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