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Running low, running low
Running low, running low
Yeah we've been on edge (on edge)
We've been on edge (on edge)
I've seen all your texts (your yexts)
But not sure I'll text you (to text)
Don't you invade my space (my space)
You know that's not okay (okay)
Savage mode, savage mode
Always got my back against the rope
So don't get me started
You will know when you know
Now don't say no (no no no)
No no no no
Yeah look I'm sad
I've been at this breaking point
What's clear right now is I'm mad
Yeah look I'm sad
I've been at this breaking point
What's clear right now is I'm mad
I've been on the low
Running low, running low
Hope the feeling is mutual
Running low, running low
Hope the feeling is mutual
Yeah it's natural
That I feel the world's too small
I'm hanging on
'Cause the feels I get are two fold
Yeah look I'm sad
I might really lose it as usual
Look I'm sad
Getting heavy inside
Since I've been on edge
I've been a wreck
Life's just a mess
Let me breathe just a little, yeah
Since I've been on edge
I've been a wreck
Life's just a mess
Let me breathe just a little
Yeah look I'm sad
I've been at this breaking point
What's clear right now is I'm mad
I've been on the low
Look I'm sad, Yeah!
Look I'm sad, look I'm sad
(Don't you dare check on me, check me yeah)
Look I'm sad, look I'm sad
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