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Rendezvous (feat. Nanette)

(View album: Hold Me When It's Cold: A Mixtape)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  1105 views

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I need more time with you
I'm needing
Kisses and hugs from you
Tell me when-
When we can rendezvous
I'm needing, extra time with you
If that's alright with you
I'm needing

Time, baby
I'm gon' need a lot of your time, now
Time, hey
Time, baby
I'm gon' need a lot of your time
Time, hey
Time, baby
I'm gon' need a lot of your time
Time, hey
Time, baby
I'm gon' need a lot of your time

Miss you too much
It's been days and I've been craving for your touch
The last time passed a bit too fast
So I need more seconds
That turn into minutes
Time with you without limits
Enough time so there's no finish
Enough time so we won't say goodbyes
Hey, goodbyes

I wanna get lost inside
Huh, your eyes
Darling, don't waste no time
Come over and cuddle
Hold hands for a little bit
We kiss just a little
And romance for a little longer

I need more time with you
I'm needing
Kisses and hugs from you
Tell me when-
When we can rendezvous
I'm needing
Extra time with you
If that's alright with you
I'm needing

Time, baby
I'm gon' need a lot of your time, now
Time, hey
Time, baby
I'm gon' need a lot of your time
Time, hey
Time, baby
I'm gon' need a lot of your time
Time, hey
Time, baby
I'm gon' need a lot of your time

I've stayed awake all night
You've been away too long
I can't wait to told you in my arms here
Need you here, don't take long
Too long in the shower
Gotta use every hour

Round and round
Up and down, baby
We go in this rendezvous
The distance makes my sheets cold
Baby please come home
To me and you
I need more time with you

And I need more time with you
Kisses and hugs from you
Tell me when

I need more time with you
I'm needing kisses and hugs from you
Tell me when-
When we can rendezvous
I'm needing extra time with you
If that's alright with you
I'm needing

Time, baby
I'm gon' need a lot of your time, now
Time, hey
Time, baby
I'm gon' need a lot of your time
Time, hey
Time, baby
I'm gon' need a lot of your time
Time, hey
Time, baby
I'm gon' need a lot of your time

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