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Overwhelm Me

(View album: Don't Wait)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  1149 views

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Overwhelm me with Your love
And never let me go
Drown away the crashing waves
Leave me water for my soul

Overwhelm me with Your love
And heal my broken heart
Keep me down upon my knees
Till your love is all I see

I have my hope in the beauty of Your majesty
And all that I cannot see

I'm all I am
Because of what You gave up
Life for death
How do I start to say that I'm thankful Jesus

Overwhelm me with Your love
Set my mind on things above
Show me what You have in store
For my home beyond this world

Overwhelm me with Your love
And burn my heart again
Keep me focussed on Your cross
So I know I'm forgiven

I know you hear me very time I whisper to the throne
I'm all I am because of You

I'm all I am
Because of what You gave up
Life for death
How do I start to say that I'm thankful Jesus

I know you hear me very time I whisper to the throne
I'm all I am because of You

I'm all I am
Because of what You gave up
Life for death
How do I start to say that I'm thankful Jesus

I know you hear me very time I whisper to the throne
I'm all I am because of You

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