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Verse 1
I tell myself as I stand in the mirror -
I tell myself that you're the only one
See the light as the past getting clearer
I know now that I'll make it out alive
I'm so over you
I'm over you
So over you
I get over you
I'm so over you
I'm over you
So over you
I get over you
I'm so over you
I'm over you
So over you
I get over you
I'm so over you
I'm over you
So over you
I get over you
Verse 2
Tell myself as I stand in the mirror
I tell myself that you're the only one
See the light as the past getting clearer
I know now that I'll make it out alive
I'm so over you
I'm over you
So over you
I get over you
I'm so over you
I'm over you
So over you
I get over you
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