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Even Now

(View album: Leaving All The Time)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  841 views

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There you were, there you were
Standing mid-crossfire
Even now, even now
It hangs out in my mind
Cool the jets, they're singing
Stuck between a hard place and a nightmare
Talking thunder-guns

It's a change of season
You new my only friend
And I've got my reasons
It only feels final now
And I lost you somehow
To a madness we can't forget
Baby, this time, this time, it's the end

Disregard me
I don't mean anything
Overlook me
I won't see anyway

Tears of silver, I see you cry
I'll drink them for you despite the madness
I know it when I see it
It's poison
I lean in because I need it
It's my poison

Disregard me
I don't mean anything
Overlook me
I won't see anyway

Tes larmes couleur argent
Coulent sur tes joues
En réalité, c'est mon poison
Tes larmes couleur argent (Argent)
Coulent sur tes joues
En réalité, c'est mon poison
Tes larmes couleur argent (Argent)
Coulent sur tes joues
En réalité, c'est mon poison
(Tes larmes couleur argent)

I know it when I see it
It's poison
I lean in because I need it
It's my poison

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