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Devl Eyes

(View album: Leaving All The Time)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  829 views

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Do you see yourself?
It's not catching on
And it's starting to rub off in the wrong way
As we lose ourselves over and over again
The floor falls away from under us

Will you catch me now
As I'm falling down?
Or I'll be crawling on my knees towards you
I've been looking for someone to pick me up
Since the day that I said yes to the
Prince of Darkness

Your black tongue, baby, cuts through
the air and leaves a deadly silence
As it worms its way inside of me, the
devil eyes I clearly see them

I clearly see them
The devil eyes
I clearly see them
The devil eyes

Do you feel yourself
As you wrap around my finger
I'll hod you tight, catch your breath, I'll try be tender
When you hear me say
"I am good for you", just know
I was meant to go to heaven but I went the other way

Your black tongue, baby, cuts through
the air and leaves a deadly silence
As it worms its way inside of me, the
devil eyes I clearly see them

I clearly see them
The devil eyes
I clearly see them
The devil eyes

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