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Daddy's Gone

(View album: Leaving All The Time)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  828 views

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Keep yourself
From the hollow of your empty shelter
Grow up girl
There's no time for childish banter
Daddy's gone
And he's left nothing behind but hard work
Mommy's strong
As strong as she can be with you beside her

Hold it down
It's everlasting
Feel the ground, my love
Just don't count on it

Don't count on it
Don't count on it
Don't count on it
Don't count on it
Don't count on it
Don't count on it
Don't count on it

Teach yourself
That to run is an uphill battle
Know it well
Like it's the only thing that matters
Hold it down
Take your brother in your arms
Console him
Be the ground
Upon which your sister is standing

Hold it down
It's everlasting
Feel the ground, my love
Just don't count on it

Don't count on it
Don't count on it
Don't count on it
Don't count on it
Don't count on it
Don't count on it
Don't count on it

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