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(View album: Planet Of The Have Nots)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  1597 views

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Ga Phu!! Ke a o tshwela
Ke bolae go sale nna feela
That’s what I do
Ska re ha ka go chaela
Yesis, le ka ntlwaela

Khuli monate, ey, Rico Suave
Ey, moshito o kae
Ey, I’m coming back like Chicco style
(Chicco!) Chicco style
Shake-a sbetche, ah
Ao, ao shake-a sbetche, ah
Shake-a sbetche, ah
Ao, ao shake-a sbetche, ah
Shake-a sbetche, ah
Ao, ao shake-a sbetche, ah
Shake-a sbetche, ah
Ao, ao shake-a sbetche, ah

Sunglass tse di ntsho
Reebok style with three lines on the side of my head
Okare ke shailwe ka gintso
Saturday, Sunday, Monday to Friday
Get the money ke etse bophelo simple
You getting where you fit into
O batla dikara ke batla dintlo
As long as we winning, Ha ho na issue

Khuli monate, ey, Rico Suave
Ey, moshito o kae
Ey, I’m coming back like Chicco style
(Chicco!) Chicco style
Shake-a sbetche, ah
Ao, ao shake-a sbetche, ah
Shake-a sbetche, ah
Ao, ao shake-a sbetche, ah
Shake-a sbetche, ah
Ao, ao shake-a sbetche, ah
Shake-a sbetche, ah
Ao, ao shake-a sbetche, ah

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