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(View album: Don't Wait)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  1036 views

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Broken when I'm kneeling
I find in my hidden shelter with you
Raw and pure is treasure I know
Deep within your presence o Lord

And this hopefulness you give me
Nothing can compare

And as the world will change
You'll always be the same
And the days will fade away
But you remain the same

Broken when I realize
That you love me in my weakness
And you have given more in my life And I'm humbled by your kindness o Lord
And you will always be the same

And this hopefulness you give me
Nothing can compare

And as the world will change
You'll always be the same
And the days will fade away
But you remain the same

And as the world will change
You'll always be the same
And the days will fade away
But you remain the same

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