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Blue Collar Cowboy

(View album: Leaving All The Time)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  888 views

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Lately the air is growing thin
And I'm leaving all the time
It seems harder
To lift my feet
So I drag them in hope of getting by

Casually dreaming that it's over
Average feelings in your honour
An idling shifter
This vision doubles
Blue collar cowboy
You're causing me trouble

Fair shake!
I call out the sound of a sad song
Knowing deep down
I stray from the meadow
Yarn my hours away
My mind is wide open
God knows I stay
I stray from the meadow

Lately my days are spent inside
There's nothing holy in chasing the wind
It has me reeling for a different kind of love
Symptomatic of a spiritual drug

Casually dreaming that it's over
Average feelings in your honour
An idling shifter
This vision doubles
Blue collar cowboy
You're causing me trouble

Fair shake!
I call out the sound of a sad song
Knowing deep down
I stray from the meadow
Yarn my hours away
My mind is wide open
God knows I stay
I stray from the meadow

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