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(View album: Africa Represented)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  1052 views

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I woke up with a good vibe
Closed my eyes and saw a good sign
Something different something too nice
This live we living no be two times

If you know then you know
If you no know then you no know
Don't worry about it
If e show then e show
If e no show then e no show
Don't worry about it
Cuz good times don't come, easy
But they do eventually
Cuz good times don't come, easy
But the do just remember please to sing
Ayo Ayo Ayo, ayaga yagayo, ayo ayo
Ayo Ayo Ayo, ayaga yagayo, ayo ayo
I can see people smiling, ayaga yagayo
Music playing, ayaga yagayo
Children dancing, ayaga yagayo
My people happy, ayaga yagayo

Oh yeah
I Dey feel, I dey feel
Like it's gonna be a good day
I dey chill, I dey chill
Like say nothing really do me
Yes indeed, yes indeed
You know that I got the vibe yeah
Oh, Yes indeed, yes indeed
You know that I got the vibe

My mama told me
The sun is gonna shine again
Good times don't come, easy
But they do eventually

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